
Observable sharing and executable proofs

Every rational number has an infinite repeating decimal expansion. In particular, every integer admits two decimal expansions: one with and one without a "tail of nines". This means that 1 = 0.9999…, a provable fact that many people still choose to disbelieve. What do I mean here by "provable"? I mean "provable by finitistic reasoning", that is, by a purely algebraic proof free of notions of continuity or convergence. The proof in this particular (and particularly popular) case goes like this:

    x     = 0.9999…
≡ { product by base is shift of decimal point }
  10x     = 9.9999…
≡ { subtraction of finitely-expanded integer }
  10x - 9 = 0.9999…
≡ { identity of decimal expansion }
  10x - 9 = x
≡ { algebra }
   9x     = 9
≡ { cancellation of multiplication }
    x     = 1

The last two steps are elementary consequences of the fact that integers form a ring. The first three steps require justification. By definition, a decimal expansion of a positive real number x is a (possibly semi-infinite) sequence of digits 0 ≤ di < 10 such that for all iN, di = 0, and

x = ⟨∑ i :: 10idi

and the decimal point separates the digits corresponding to 100 and 10-1, namely d0 from d-1.

Lemma 0 Any decimal number x can be expressed as the sum of an integer and a (possibly infinite) decimal part

Proof: By definition, x has a finite number of decimal digits to the left of the decimal point, namely for 0 ≤ i < N, hence:

= { definition }
  ⟨∑ i :: 10idi ⟩
= { associativity of addition, a finite number N of times }
  ⟨∑ i : 0 ≤ i < N : 10idi⟩ + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi⟩
= { naming the first term }
  n + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi

This justifies representing a positive real number as a pair of an integer and a possibly infinite purely fractional decimal expansion:

type dec = Dec of int * int list

A sufficient condition for two numbers to be equal is that their decimal representations are the same:

let eq (Dec (e, ds)) (Dec (e', ds')) = e = e' && ds == ds'

Here, since the decimal expansions could be infinite, I use physical equality on lists. This is a stronger condition than stated above. Now, the proof for the first step:

Lemma 1 Multiplying a positive real number x by 10 shifts the decimal point in its decimal expansion one place to the right


= { lemma 0 }
  10⋅(n + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi⟩)
= { product finitely distributes over sum }
  10⋅n + 10⋅⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi⟩
= { product formally distributes over sum }
  10⋅n + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10i+1di⟩
= { substitute i := i-1 }
  10⋅n + ⟨∑ i : 1 > i : 10idi-1⟩
= { lemma 0 }
  (10⋅n + d0) + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi-1

Note that the third step is not strictly speaking finitist but formal: it requires taking the distributivity of product over a summation as axiomatic if induction is not accepted. This justifies the following:

let mul10 = function
| Dec (e, []     ) -> Dec (10 * e    , [])
| Dec (e, d :: ds) -> Dec (10 * e + d, ds)

The proof for the second step:

Lemma 2 Subtracting an integer k from a positive real number x only affects its integer part


  x - k
= { lemma 0 }
  (n + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi⟩) - k
= { commutativity and associativity of sum }
  (n - k) + ⟨∑ i : 0 > i : 10idi

This justifies the following:

let subi (Dec (e, ds)) n =
  if e < n then failwith "subi" else
  Dec (e - n, ds)

Now the proof for the third step is purely executable and relies on physical equality of infinite lists of digits represented as circular lists:

let nines = let rec ds = 9 :: ds in Dec (0, ds)

Of course, for more general repeating expansions, equality on heads won't suffice, but this case is nicely handled by a one-liner:

let lemma = assert (eq nines (subi (mul10 nines) 9))

The purely verbal mathematical statement of this truth is that, since the first two steps operate on a finite prefix of the infinite expansion, the inifinite suffix is unchanged by the operations and hence identical to itself. In other words, the infinite summation is a purely formal object that remains unchanged from step to step.

Will this proof finally lay the "controversy" to rest, persuading even the staunchest finitist?

Edit: Thanks to id that alerted me in my confusion between structural and physical equality.


Anonymous said...

Actually here physical equality is tested, as structural comparison will not terminate.

Matías Giovannini said...

@id: thank you for the heads-up. I've corrected the article.