
Putting Noise to the Test

So how do you use Perlin's Simplex Noise? By using the GIF encoder, of course! I generated the test image shown in the last post:

Perlin simplex noise in the interval (-2, -2, 0)-(2, 2, 0) computed in OCaml

with a minimal application of both modules in test.ml (source code follows). For a visually richer but not much more complicated example, I also tried replicating Iñigo Quílez's turbulent textures in fbm.ml. The animation traces a tiny loop in noise space so that it seamlessly repeats over and over. The first frame looks like this:

I'd like to know of a very easy way to share source tarballs with you (no, Forges require waiting for new project approval; no, Github requires adhering to a philosophy of sharing for which I don't care; no, Google Code forces me to give up my own version control; no, file hosting is not an option. I'm open to suggestions.); in the meantime, here's a wall of code with the complete project.


val fold_string : ('a -> char -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a

type color = { red : int; green : int; blue : int; }

type palette

val palette : ?background:int -> color array -> palette

val num_colors : palette -> int

type t

val make    : ?ct:palette -> width:int -> height:int
           -> (t -> unit) -> (out_channel -> unit)

val image   : ?ct:palette -> ?transparent:int -> ?fps:int
           -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int
           -> string -> t -> unit

val comment : string -> t -> unit

val repeat  : ?count:int -> t -> unit

val verify_gif : in_channel -> bool

val grayscale   : palette
val heatmap     : palette
val rainbow     : palette
val black_white : palette

val unwind : protect:('a -> unit) -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b)
val with_output_file : (out_channel -> 'a) -> (string -> 'a)
val with_input_file  : (in_channel  -> 'a) -> (string -> 'a)


let unwind ~(protect : 'a -> unit) f x =
  try let y = f x in protect x; y
  with e -> protect x; raise e

class output otch = object (self)
  val         buffer  =  String.create 255
  val mutable current = -1

  method private flush =
    if current > 0 then begin
      output_byte otch current;
      output      otch buffer 0 current;
      current <- 0

  method byte n =
    let b = n land 255 in
    if current == -1 then output_byte otch b else begin
      if current == 255 then self#flush;
      buffer.[current] <- char_of_int b;
      current <- current + 1

  method le16 n =
    self#byte  n;
    self#byte (n lsr 8)

  method string str =
    String.iter (fun c -> self#byte (int_of_char c)) str

  method begin_block =
    if current != -1 then failwith "begin_block";
    current <- 0

  method end_block =
    if current == -1 then failwith "end_block" else
    current <- -1;
    self#byte 0

  method close =
    if current != -1 then self#end_block;
    flush otch

let fold_string f e s =
  let res = ref e in
  String.iter (fun c -> res := f !res c) s;

class lzw ?(bits=8) out =
  let count       = 1 lsl bits in
  let clear_code  = count
  and end_of_info = count + 1 in
object (self)
  val table : (int * int, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 5003
  val mutable code_size = 0
  val mutable next_code = 0
  val mutable buffer    = 0
  val mutable length    = 0

  method append n =
    buffer <- buffer lor ((n land pred (1 lsl code_size)) lsl length);
    length <- length + code_size;
    while length >= 8 do
      out#byte (buffer land 0xff);
      buffer <- buffer lsr 8;
      length <- length - 8

  method finish =
    if length > 0 then
      out#byte (buffer land pred (1 lsl length))

  method private reset =
    Hashtbl.clear table;
    for i = 0 to count - 1 do
      Hashtbl.add table (-1, i) i
    code_size <- bits  + 1;
    next_code <- count + 2

  method private add_string s =
    (* Check code for overflow *)
    if next_code == 1 lsl code_size then
      code_size <- code_size + 1;
    Hashtbl.add table s next_code;
    next_code <- next_code + 1;
    (* Limit maximum code size to 12 bits *)
    if next_code == 0x1000 then begin
      self#append clear_code;

  method compress data =
    self#append clear_code;
    let last = fold_string (fun prefix c ->
      let  k = int_of_char c in
      try  Hashtbl.find table (prefix, k)
      with Not_found ->
        self#append prefix;
        self#add_string (prefix, k);
        k) (-1) data in
    self#append last;
    self#append end_of_info;

(* 0 <= red, green, blue < 256 *)
type color = { red : int; green : int; blue : int; }

type palette = { background : int; bits : int; table : color array; }

let num_colors { table; _ } = Array.length table

let palette ?(background=0) table =
  let size = Array.length table in
  if size < 2
  || size > 256
  || size land (size - 1) != 0
  || background < 0
  || background >= size
  then invalid_arg "color_table" else
  let bits = truncate (log (float size) /. log 2.) in
  assert (size == 1 lsl bits);
  { background; bits; table = Array.copy table; }

type t = {
  width  : int;
  height : int;
  ct     : palette option;
  out    : output;

let header { out; _ } = out#string "GIF89a"

let trailer { out; _ } = out#byte 0x3b

let color_table { table; _ } { out; _ } =
  Array.iter (fun { red; green; blue } ->
    out#byte red  ;
    out#byte green;
    out#byte blue) table

let logical_screen ({ width; height; ct; out } as gif) =
  out#le16   width;
  out#le16   height;
  match ct with
  | None ->
    out#byte 0;
    out#byte 0;
    out#byte 0 (* default aspect ratio (1:1 = 49) *)
  | Some ({ background; bits; _ } as ct) ->
    out#byte (0xf0 lor pred bits);
    out#byte background;
    out#byte 0;
    color_table ct gif

let make ?ct ~width ~height proc otch =
  unwind ~protect:(fun { out; _ } -> out#close) (fun gif ->
    header gif;
    logical_screen gif;
    proc gif;
    trailer gif)
    { width; height; ct; out = new output otch; }

let graphics_control_extension transparent fps { out; _ } =
  let delay = if fps = 0 then 0 else (200 + fps) / (fps + fps) in
  out#byte 0x21; (* GIF Extension Code *)
  out#byte 0xf9; (* Graphic Control Label *)
  out#byte 0x04; (* Length of Data Sub-Block *)
  out#byte (match transparent with None -> 0 | Some _ -> 9);
  out#le16 delay;
  out#byte (match transparent with None -> 0 | Some c -> c);
  out#byte 0x00 (* Data Sub-Block Terminator *)

let image_descriptor ct x y width height ({ out; _ } as gif) =
  out#byte 0x2c;
  out#le16 x;
  out#le16 y;
  out#le16 width;
  out#le16 height;
  match ct with
  | None ->
    out#byte 0x00
  | Some ({ bits; _ } as ct) ->
    out#byte (0x80 lor pred bits);
    color_table ct gif

let image ?ct ?transparent ?(fps=0) ?(x=0) ?(y=0) ?width ?height bytes ({ out; _ } as gif) =
  let w = match width  with None -> gif.width  | Some w -> w
  and h = match height with None -> gif.height | Some h -> h in
  if x < 0 || x + w  > gif.width
  || y < 0 || x + h > gif.height
  || String.length bytes != w * h
    then invalid_arg "image";
  let bits = match ct, gif.ct with
  | Some ct, _
  | None   , Some ct -> max 2 ct.bits
  | None   , None    -> invalid_arg "image"
  (match transparent, fps with
  | None, 0 -> ()
  | _   , _ -> graphics_control_extension transparent fps gif);
  image_descriptor ct x y w h gif;
  out#byte bits;
  (new lzw ~bits out)#compress bytes;

let comment text { out; _ } =
  out#byte 0x21;         (* GIF Extension Code *)
  out#byte 0xfe;         (* Comment Label *)
  out#string text;

let repeat ?(count=0) { out; _ } =
  out#byte   0x21;       (* GIF Extension code *)
  out#byte   0xff;       (* Application Extension Label *)
  out#byte   0x0b;       (* Length of application block *)
  out#string "NETSCAPE"; (* Application Identifier *)
  out#string "2.0";      (* Appl. Authentication Code *)
  out#byte   0x03;       (* Length of Data Sub-Block *)
  out#byte   0x01;       (* Loop sub-block ID *)
  out#le16   count;      (* Loop count (0 = forever) *)
  out#byte   0x00        (* Data Sub-Block Terminator *)

let verify_gif inch =
  let failf   fmt = Printf.kprintf failwith fmt in
  let check p fmt = if not p then failf fmt in
  let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
  let input_le16 inch  =
    let b0 = input_byte inch in
    let b1 = input_byte inch in
    b0 lor (b1 lsl 8)
  let verify_header inch =
    let buf = String.create 6 in
    really_input inch buf 0 6;
    check (buf = "GIF89a") "Expected GIF header"
  let verify_color_table len inch =
    let cnt = 3 * (1 lsl len) in
    for i = 1 to cnt do
      ignore (input_byte inch)
    Printf.printf "CT   %d colors in %d bytes\n" (cnt / 3) cnt
  let verify_blocks inch =
    let tot = ref 0 in
    Buffer.clear buffer;
    try while true do
      let cnt = input_byte inch in
      if cnt == 0 then raise Exit else
      Buffer.add_channel buffer inch cnt;
      incr tot
    done; assert false with Exit ->
      let contents = Buffer.contents buffer in
      Printf.printf "%d bytes in %d blocks, EOB = %010x\n%!"
        (String.length contents) !tot (pos_in inch);
  let verify_logical_screen_descriptor inch =
    let width  = input_le16 inch in
    let height = input_le16 inch in
    let fields = input_byte inch in
    let backgr = input_byte inch in
    let aspect = input_byte inch in
    Printf.printf "LSD  w = %d, h = %d, f = %2x, b = %d, a = %d\n"
      width height fields backgr aspect;
    if fields land 0x80 == 0x80 then
      verify_color_table (1 + fields land 0x07) inch
  let verify_image_descriptor inch =
    let left   = input_le16 inch in
    let top    = input_le16 inch in
    let width  = input_le16 inch in
    let height = input_le16 inch in
    let fields = input_byte inch in
    Printf.printf "ID   x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d, f = %2x\n"
      left top width height fields;
    if fields land 0x80 = 0x80 then
      verify_color_table (1 + fields land 0x07) inch
  let verify_table_based_image inch =
    verify_image_descriptor inch;
    let bits = input_byte inch in
    Printf.printf "IMG  code size = %d, " bits;
    ignore (verify_blocks inch)
  let verify_plain_text_extension inch =
    check (12 == input_byte inch) "Expected block size = 12\n";
    let left   = input_le16 inch in
    let top    = input_le16 inch in
    let width  = input_le16 inch in
    let height = input_le16 inch in
    let _celwid = input_byte inch in
    let _celhgt = input_byte inch in
    let _fgcol  = input_byte inch in
    let _bgcol  = input_byte inch in
    Printf.printf "PTE  l = %d, t = %d, w = %d, h = %d "
      left top width height;
    Printf.printf "  \"%s\"\n%!" (verify_blocks inch)
  let verify_application_extension inch =
    check (11 == input_byte inch) "Expected block size = 11\n";
    let label = String.create 11 in
    really_input inch label 0 11;
    Printf.printf "AE   %s " label;
    ignore (verify_blocks inch)
  let verify_graphic_control_extension inch =
    check (4 == input_byte inch) "Expected block size = 4\n";
    let fields = input_byte inch in
    let delay  = input_le16 inch in
    let transp = input_byte inch in
    check (0x00 == input_byte inch) "Expected block terminator\n";
    Printf.printf "GCE  f = %2x, d = %d, t = %d\n"
      fields delay transp
  let verify_comment_extension inch =
    Printf.printf "CE   ";
    Printf.printf "  \"%s\"\n%!" (verify_blocks inch)
  let verify_extension inch =
    match input_byte inch with
    | 0xff -> verify_application_extension     inch
    | 0xfe -> verify_comment_extension         inch
    | 0xf9 -> verify_graphic_control_extension inch
    | 0x01 -> verify_plain_text_extension      inch
    | b    -> failf "Unknown extension introducer %2x" b
  let verify_eof inch =
    try ignore (input_char inch); failf "Extra contents after EOF"
    with End_of_file -> ()
  let rec verify_data inch =
    match input_byte inch with
    | 0x3b -> verify_eof inch
    | 0x2c -> verify_table_based_image inch; verify_data inch
    | 0x21 -> verify_extension         inch; verify_data inch
    | b    -> failf "Unknown content block %2x" b
    verify_header inch;
    verify_logical_screen_descriptor inch;
    verify_data inch;
  with Failure e ->
    let off = pos_in inch in
    Printf.printf "Offset %5d (%010x): %s\n%!" off off e;
  | End_of_file ->
    let off = pos_in inch in
    Printf.printf "Offset %5d (%010x): Unexpected EOF\n%!" off off;

let grayscale = palette (Array.init 256 (fun i ->
  { red = i; green = i; blue = i }))

let heatmap =
  let ramp i l h =
    let j = 255 * (i - l) / (h - l) in
    if j < 0 then 0 else if j > 255 then 255 else j
  in palette (Array.init 256 (fun i ->
  { red = ramp i 0 84; green = ramp i 85 170; blue = ramp i 171 255 }))

let rainbow =
  let pi   = 3.14159265358979324
  and q1_3 = 0.333333333333333333 in
  let cs x =
    let c = cos (pi *. x) in
    truncate (255. *. c *. c +. 0.5)
  in palette (Array.init 256 (fun i ->
  let x = float i /. float 256 in
  { red = cs x; green = cs (x -. q1_3); blue = cs (x +. q1_3) }))

let black_white = palette [|
  { red = 255; green = 255; blue = 255; };
  { red =   0; green =   0; blue =   0; };

let with_output_file proc fname =
  unwind ~protect:close_out proc (open_out_bin fname)

let with_input_file proc fname =
  unwind ~protect:close_in proc (open_in_bin fname)


val noise : float * float * float -> float
val fBM : ?octaves:int -> float * float * float -> float

(** Clamp an integer into the range [0, 255] *)
val clampb : int -> int
(** Convert a float in the range [-1, 1] into an integer in the range [0, 255] *)
val rescale : float -> int


let patterns = [| 0o25; 0o70; 0o62; 0o54; 0o15; 0o23; 0o07; 0o52 |]

let btst n b = (n lsr b) land 1

let bmix i j k b = patterns.((btst i b lsl 2) lor (btst j b lsl 1) lor (btst k b))

let shuffle (i, j, k) =
  bmix i j k 0 + bmix j k i 1 + bmix k i j 2 + bmix i j k 3 +
  bmix j k i 4 + bmix k i j 5 + bmix i j k 6 + bmix j k i 7

let magnitude h (x, y, z) =
  let p, q, r = match h land 7 with
  | 0 -> z , x , y
  | 1 -> x , y , 0.
  | 2 -> y , z , 0.
  | 3 -> z , x , 0.
  | 4 -> z , x , y
  | 5 -> x , 0., z
  | 6 -> y , 0., x
  | 7 -> z , 0., y
  | _ -> assert false
  in match (h lsr 3) land 7 with
  | 0 -> -. p -. q +. r
  | 1 -> +. p -. q -. r
  | 2 -> -. p +. q -. r
  | 3 -> +. p +. q +. r
  | 4 -> +. p +. q -. r
  | 5 -> -. p +. q +. r
  | 6 -> +. p -. q +. r
  | 7 -> -. p -. q -. r
  | _ -> assert false

let simplices = [|
[| (0,0,0); (1,0,0); (1,1,0); (1,1,1) |];
[| (0,0,0); (1,0,0); (1,0,1); (1,1,1) |];
[| (0,0,0); (0,1,0); (1,1,0); (1,1,1) |];
[| (0,0,0); (0,1,0); (0,1,1); (1,1,1) |];
[| (0,0,0); (0,0,1); (1,0,1); (1,1,1) |];
[| (0,0,0); (0,0,1); (0,1,1); (1,1,1) |]

let permindex (u, v, w) =
  if u >= w then
    if u >= v then
      if v >= w then 0 else 1
    else 2
  if v >= w then 3 else
  if u >= v then 4 else 5

let int x =
  if x < 0. then pred (truncate x) else truncate x

let skew (x, y, z) =
  let s = (x +. y +. z) /. 3. in
  let i = int (x +. s)
  and j = int (y +. s)
  and k = int (z +. s) in
  (i, j, k)

let unskew (x, y, z) (i, j, k) =
  let s = float (i + j + k) /. 6. in
  let u = x -. float i +. s
  and v = y -. float j +. s
  and w = z -. float k +. s in
  (u, v, w)

let norm2 (x, y, z) = x *. x +. y *. y +. z *. z

let addi3 (i, j, k) (i', j', k') = (i + i', j + j', k + k')

let noise p =
  let l = skew   p   in
  let x = unskew p l in
  let s = simplices.(permindex x) in
  let f = ref 0. in
  for i = 0 to 3 do
    let v = s.(i) in
    let y = unskew x v in
    let t = 0.6 -. norm2 y in
    if t > 0. then
      let h = shuffle (addi3 l v) in
      let t = t *. t in
      f := !f +. 8. *. t *. t *. magnitude h y

let fBM ?(octaves=5) =
  let rec go f w i (x, y, z as p) =
    if i == 0 then f else
    let f = f +. w *. noise p in
    go f (0.5 *. w) (pred i) (2. *. x, 2. *. y, 2. *. z)
  in go 0. 1. octaves

let clampb n =
  (n lor ((255-n) asr (Sys.word_size-2))) land lnot (n asr (Sys.word_size-2)) land 255

let rescale f =
  clampb (int (0.5 +. ldexp (f +. 1.) 7))


let () =
  let width  = 256
  and height = 256 in
  let pixels = String.create (width * height) in
  let x0, y0, z0 = -2., -2., 0.
  and sc = 4.0 in
    (Gif.make ~ct:Gif.grayscale ~width ~height (fun gif ->
      for i = 0 to height - 1 do
        let y = y0 +. sc *. float i /. float height in
        for j = 0 to width - 1 do
          let x = x0 +. sc *. float j /. float width in
          let p = Noise.noise (x, y, z0) in
          pixels.[i * width + j] <- char_of_int (Noise.rescale p)
      Gif.image pixels gif)) "perlin.gif"


let ( +/ ) (x0, y0, z0) (x1, y1, z1) = (x0 +. x1, y0 +. y1, z0 +. z1)
let ( */ ) k (x, y, z) = (k *. x, k *. y, k *. z)

let two_pi = 6.283185307179586476925286766552

let () =
  let count  = 100 in
  let width  = 256
  and height = 256 in
  let pixels = String.create (width * height) in
    (Gif.make ~ct:Gif.grayscale ~width ~height (fun gif ->
      if count > 1 then Gif.repeat gif;
      let sc = 1.0 in
      for c = 0 to count - 1 do
        let q = two_pi *. float c /. float count in
        let sq = 0.05 *. sin q
        and cq = 0.05 *. cos q in
        for i = 0 to height - 1 do
          let y = sc *. float i /. float height in
          for j = 0 to width - 1 do
            let x = sc *. float j /. float width in
            let p = (x, y, 0.) in
            let q = p +/ 2. */ (
              Noise.fBM (p +/ (   cq, sq, 0.)),
              Noise.fBM (p +/ (-. sq, cq, 0.)),
              Noise.fBM (p +/ (   0., 0., 1.))) in
            let r = p +/ 2. */ (
              Noise.fBM (q +/ (   cq, 0., sq)),
              Noise.fBM (q +/ (   0., 1., 0.)),
              Noise.fBM (q +/ (-. sq, 0., cq))) in
            let f = 2. *. Noise.fBM r  in
            pixels.[i * width + j] <- char_of_int (Noise.rescale f)
        Printf.printf "%d/%d\n%!" (succ c) count;
        Gif.image ~fps:25 pixels gif


# :mode=makefile:
OCAMLC=    ocamlfind ocamlc   -w Aelz -g
OCAMLOPT=  ocamlfind ocamlopt -w Aelz -unsafe -inline 1000 -ccopt -O2 -ccopt -fomit-frame-pointer
OCAMLLEX=  ocamllex.opt
OCAMLYACC= ocamlyacc
OCAMLDEP=  ocamldep $(PP)
OCAMLMKLIB=ocamlmklib #-custom -linkall

    gif.ml noise.ml

    $(COMN) test.ml fbm.ml



    test fbm

all: $(PROGRAMS) $(PROGRAMS:=.bc)

fbm.bc: $(OBJS) fbm.cmo
    $(OCAMLC) -o $@ $(LIBS) $^
fbm: $(OBJS:.cmo=.cmx) fbm.cmx
    $(OCAMLOPT) -o $@ $(LIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $^

test.bc: $(OBJS) test.cmo
    $(OCAMLC) -o $@ $(LIBS) $^
test: $(OBJS:.cmo=.cmx) test.cmx
    $(OCAMLOPT) -o $@ $(LIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $^

    rm -f *.cm[iox] *.o *.a *~
distclean: clean
    rm -f $(PROGRAMS) $(PROGRAMS:=.bc) *.gif

.SUFFIXES: .cmo .cmi .cmx .ml .mli .mll .mly

    $(OCAMLYACC) $<

    $(OCAMLLEX) $<

    $(OCAMLC) -c $<

    $(OCAMLC) -c $<

    $(OCAMLOPT) -c $<

    $(OCAMLDEP) $(SRCS) > .depend

include .depend


David said...

Use http://gitorious.org/ ?

Just A. Developer said...

Thanks for posting the complete example code.

If you just want to share a tarball of the source then perhaps dropbox would be the way to go?

Cedric said...

github forces you to adhere to what? I do not remember having to pass a phylosophy check when registering my account but maybe they changed their policy since then? In that case, gitorious is still free to use.

Matías Giovannini said...

@Cedric: I profoundly dislike git. If it works for you, more power to you. In my case, I don't need process, I don't need source control and I don't need collaboration tools. I need a code sharing facility. I'm not going to adopt a radically new process to share four source files.