An array is a data-type complying with the following interface:
module type ARRAY = sig type 'a t val create : int -> 'a -> 'a t val length : 'a t -> int val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit end
together with a number of predicates that characterize the array as a data structure that, in fact, stores data. The OCaml built-in Array
module satisfies the definition:
module Arr : ARRAY with type 'a t = 'a array = struct type 'a t = 'a array include Array end
Also, Bigarray
s or dynamic vectors can be fitted easily to this interface.
It is well-known that to sort the elements a.(l ≤ i < h) of an array a
between indexes l
and h
we can use the in-place Quicksort:
let rec quicksort a l h = if h - l > 1 then let m = partition a l h in begin quicksort a l m; quicksort a m h end
for a suitable definition of partition
("suitable", here, means that after the call, a.i ≤ a.m < a.j for l ≤ i < m ≤ j < h). With this in mind, we would like to write a generic (on the actual data structure with array semantics), in-place Quicksort, with the following declaration:
module Quicksort : functor (A : ARRAY) -> sig val qsort : 'a A.t -> unit val quicksort : 'a A.t -> int -> int -> unit end
with the intention of using qsort a
as a shortcut for quicksort a 0 (A.length a)
There are many ways to find the pivot a.m that allows partitioning the array a in disjoint pieces. The ultimate goal is to make those pieces as close as "halves" of a as possible; for heavily skewed partitions, Quicksort devolves into a very poorly performing algorithm.
Aside: This is why it is a better a priori engineering decision to use Heapsort, and not Quicksort, as the standard library sort routine. Even if the best-case cost of the former is more than twice that of the latter, Heapsort has guaranteed cost Θ(n⋅log.n).
An often-recommended choice of pivot is the median of elements a.l, a.h and a.m, for some index l < m < h. Any choice of m does the trick equally well (or rather, there is no objective choice of one over any other); for symmetry, we settle for m = ⌊ (l + h) / 2 ⌋.
The first task is to actually select the median element. Since at all times partition
must satisfy the ordering condition, there is no penalty to sort the elements used to find the pivot. The usual imperative algorithm is a sequence of three compare-and-swap operations among the three array elements:
let sort3 a l h = let m = (l + h) lsr 1 in if A.get a l > A.get a m then swap a l m; if A.get a m > A.get a h then swap a m h; if A.get a l > A.get a m then swap a l m; m
where swap
let swap a i j = let t = A.get a i in A.set a i (A.get a j); A.set a j t
In the best case, 6 reads to the array are needed. In the worst case, 12 reads and 6 writes are necessary to sort the three-element subarray. In any case, exactly 3 comparisons are performed every time. No more than three comparisons are necessary; this is because 22 < 3! < 23. However, we can sometimes do better than that; transitivity of the order relation allows us to save one comparison that could otherwise be deduced from the other two.
A comparison tree is an ordered (plane) binary tree that has comparisons between elements as (inner) nodes and permutations as leaves:

A path from the root to a leaf indicates the sequence of comparisons necessary to identify that particular permutation. Note that the comparisons are conceptually done in the same order as the previous code fragment (low with middle, then middle with high, and finally low with middle), but implicitly reflect the required swaps to put the permutation in order. Once determined, the permutation requires between 0 and 3 writes to be put in order. Storing the array elements in temporaries gives the following code:
let sort3 a l h = let m = (l + h) lsr 1 in let al, am, ah = A.get a l, A.get a m, A.get a h in if al > am then begin if al > ah then begin if am > ah then begin A.set a l ah; A.set a h al; am end else begin A.set a l am; A.set a m ah; A.set a h al; ah end end else begin A.set a l am; A.set a m al; al end end else if am > ah then begin if al > ah then begin A.set a l ah; A.set a m al; A.set a h am; al end else begin A.set a m ah; A.set a h am; ah end end else am
No path sets more than 3 variables, and there is a path that doesn't set any, as I claimed before. Now, the invariant for partition
must be established by putting elements less than a.m to the left of m, and those greater than it to its right. We have a choice about what to do about those elements that are equal to a.m; Bentley moves them to the left partition using the traditional "pointer crossing" algorithm. A more equitable alternative would be to use Dijkstra's Dutch National Flag algorithm to move them to their own block:
let swap3 a x l h = let i = ref (h+1) (* x < a.(i ≤ p ≤ h) *) and j = ref (l-1) (* x > a.(l ≤ p ≤ j) *) and k = ref l in (* x = a.(j < p < k) *) while !k != !i do let y = A.get a !k in (* x : a.(k <= p < i) *) if x > y then begin incr j; A.set a !k (A.get a !j); A.set a !j y; incr k end else if y > x then begin decr i; A.set a !k (A.get a !i); A.set a !i y end else incr k done; !i, !j
The result of the algorithm, as the invariants show, are the indices delimiting each partition. The advantage of this slightly more complicated program is that, if the array contains repeated elements, they need not be considered for comparison purposes on the recursive invocations. So we see that partition
is completely specified by swap3 a (sort3 a l h) l h
. Everything is in place to recursively sort the partitioned elements. It is standard to recur on the smaller partition and iterate on the larger to guarantee a maximum Ω(log.n) stack depth. Hence, the following:
let rec qsort a l h = if h - l > 0 then begin let i, j = swap3 a (sort3 a l h) l h in if j - l <= h - i then begin qsort a l j; qsort a i h end else begin qsort a i h; qsort a l j end end
Putting all the functions together in a module Quicksort
is left as an exercise for the reader.
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