
Proofs and Rabbits

(This is a translation of a 2002 article)

A colleague asked me, "How can I tell how many bits a number needs without dividing repeatedly by two?", to which I quickly replied with:

ν.N = ⌊log.N / log.2⌋ + 1

and, after staring at it for a while I added, "It's pretty easy to see where this comes from."

Mentally trying to organize the proof I met a first hurdle: how to justify the term "+ 1". Since I was committed to a proof outline, I resorted to pulling a rabbit out of the hat.

For starters, we know that the definition of the floor function is:

(0)  ⌊x⌋ = N  ≡  Nx < N + 1

with N an integer; as a consequence, for N an integer:

(1)  ⌊x + N⌋ = ⌊x⌋ + N

I'm aiming at putting in symbols the following definition: if the number N is greater than or equal to a power of two 2k, then it needs ν.N = k + 1 bits for storing it; so (and this is the rabbit) I premultiply to compensate for the extra bit:

  2k ≤ 2·N < 2k + 1
≡ { taking logarithms on both sides }
  k·log.2 ≤ log.2 + log.N < (k+1)·log.2
≡ { dividing on both sides by log.2 }
  k ≤ 1 + log.N / log.2 < k + 1
≡ { (0) }
  k = ⌊1 + log.N / log.2⌋
≡ { (1), commutativity }
  k = ⌊log.N / log.2⌋ + 1

The justification for starting with N is more heuristic than anything else (meaning, since I know where I want to arrive I can define from where I will start). The key fact that 2k needs k + 1 in its binary representation, one "1" bit and k "0" bits doesn't change. Hence, the following alternative proof:

  2k - 1N < 2k
≡ { taking logarithms on both sides }
  (k-1)·log.2 ≤ log.N < k·log.2
≡ { dividing both sides by log.2 }
  k - 1 ≤ log.N / log.2 < k
≡ { (0) }
  k - 1 = ⌊log.N / log.2⌋
≡ { algebra }
  k = ⌊log.N / log.2⌋ + 1

This proof is essentially the same as the former, but it not only avoids the rabbit but also having to appeal to (1).

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